YouTuber turns more than 100 TV and movie scenes into Queen's 'We Will Rock You'Watch it yourself and see if you can catch all the references!
Someone created a 'Bohemian Rhapsody' video using only Google Image search resultsYou've not heard of this one before.
Hostless Oscars kick off with a performance by QueenRocking the Oscars.
Buckle up, Queen is performing at the OscarsQueen will rock you.
Freddie Mercury lookalike inspires Malaysian composer to create Mamak RhapsodyIs this the best cover of Bohemian Rhapsody or what?
Here's how a Malaysian played a role in making 1985's legendary 'Live Aid' concert a realityTurning fantasy into reality.
Malaysia censors several crucial scenes from Queen's biopic 'Bohemian Rhapsody'Take a guess which scenes.
'Super Smash Bros. Ultimate' trailer syncs up perfectly with a Queen classicSo good.
Here's a side by side comparison of Queen's actual Live Aid concert and the one in Bohemian RhapsodyDid the film do justice to one of the best moments in musical history?
Loved Bohemian Rhapsody? See how the real Freddie Mercury transformed over the years in these 10 videosHe looked like a different person over the years!
What 'Bohemian Rhapsody' gets wrong about QueenNot all is accurate.